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Dreams Take Flight Page 8

  “Oh shit, your dick gets hard and you’re fucking in love? Do you think every time some gal spreads her legs it’s because she’s in love? Get the fuck out of here!”

  “Mike, where do you get off talking to me like that? How old are you?”

  “None of your fucking business.”

  “You’re fifty-seven years old, you’re an alcoholic, and have been divorced three times. You get a boner and think you have to screw the first woman you see. And you think you have the right to be giving me advice.”

  “Lucas, you’re fucking wet behind the ears. Get your ass out of here.”

  Not wanting the atmosphere to become more toxic than it had already become, Lucas returned to the Convair without saying another word.

  Once the flight was underway, Mike, Lucas, and Heather engaged in normal, civil conversation. No one would ever know that Mike and Lucas had had words earlier. The atmosphere was light and pleasant.

  Heather was in heaven knowing that she was on this trip because Lucas had personally invited her. Lucas was also pleased to know that Heather had accepted his invitation. Even Mike was pleased, because he knew that he had played a significant role in bringing the two together, even if it hadn’t always been easy.

  The trip was long, and Lucas eventually not only needed a bathroom break, but had begun to feel his legs getting numb, his feet going to sleep and as though his bottom was glued to the seat. After making sure Mike had the plane, Lucas asked Heather to descend from her perch on the jump seat so he could maneuver past her to get to the bathroom in the rear of the plane.

  Bathroom break over and circulation restored to his legs, Lucas returned to the cockpit. As he approached the cockpit from the rear of the plane, he could see Heather’s profile in the dim cockpit. She was standing in the aisle, watching whatever was taking place up front.

  He stopped to watch. He couldn’t help but think, What a beautiful lady. She appeared so mysterious; the outline of her body wasn’t well-defined, so only his knowledge of her allowed his mind to fill in the shadows. She’d spread her legs a little to stabilize her. She also held on to the two front seats.

  Lucas entered the cockpit area, and Heather could feel him as he approached her from behind. The warmth from his body announced his arrival. Heather began to reposition herself, so he could return to his flying duties. When it became apparent he didn’t intend to walk by her, she resumed her original stance. Lucas stood directly behind Heather, staring over her right shoulder.

  Rather than holding onto the plane, he held Heather’s hips and leaned gently against her. His face toyed with the hair tucked behind her right ear. Her scent was uniquely Heather, subtle like that of a bouquet of freshly cut flowers.

  She could feel vibrations not only through direct contact with the plane, but through Lucas as well. She could feel his warm breath on her right ear. It was the most sensual moment she had ever experienced. Her whole body became sensitive to Lucas’s every movement, to his breathing, to the way he held her. Lucas was also becoming excited by their closeness. The rhythmic wave passing through their bodies from the plane’s vibration created a sensation he’d never before experienced. Lucas began to slowly move his hands downward and forward, stopping only when reaching the unmistakable curves of her groin.

  Heather’s heart raced. Not knowing what was going to happen next, she simply relaxed and gave way to Lucas’s sexual advances.

  Lucas continued to explore Heather’s body, from her tummy to her groin. He toyed with her pubic area, well-defined through her thin skirt. He quickly discovered that Heather wasn’t wearing panties.

  Suddenly, Heather leaned her head back while pushing her backside hard against Lucas’s swollen cock. She began to move in harmony with Lucas’s hands, saying “yes” to his stroking movement, encouraging further exploration. Her eyes closed as she let herself be consumed by Lucas’s every movement.

  Only the thickness of a silk skirt separated his fingers from the wetness between Heather’s legs. As he explored her groin, he could feel Heather spread her legs ever so slightly to encourage his exploration. Accepting her invitation, Lucas slid his hand beneath her skirt and a finger into the folds of her wetness, where he could feel the silky smoothness of her love juices.

  Without warning, Mike turned to partly face the couple. He bellowed, “Come on, guys; knock it off. We’re almost home. You can get a room and fuck all night once we’re there, but right now I need to take a piss.”

  Mike’s intrusion was a cold reminder to both of them that their behavior was not appropriate, at least at that moment.

  Lucas quickly took his seat, buckled up, and announced that he had the plane. Lucas couldn’t get over what had taken place. He’d been the one to first object to Heather coming along, under the pretense that he didn’t need the distraction. Still excited, he had to force himself to focus on the task at hand as the bulge in his pants began to subside. Even his hands were a distraction—he would occasionally stare at them as though they were separate from the rest of his body. After all, they had actually fondled Heather’s pubic area, a feat that had previously only taken place in his mind.

  Mike chuckled on the inside about Lucas and Heather. Lucas had been so stubborn about getting involved with Heather, and now he couldn’t keep his hands off her. Mike wasn’t trying to be cruel by tossing water on their little party, but he really did have to take a piss.

  Heather, waiting for Mike to return, stood there silent and embarrassed.

  For the rest of the trip, only Mike and Lucas spoke, and then only as they went about their duties. Their gentlemen’s code allowed both of them to write off the incident.


  The Payoff

  Heather couldn’t stop thinking about her encounter with Lucas on the plane.

  Those few minutes were so intense, she often thought, that no one else would understand. I’ll never forget that encounter. I can’t help but wonder if we will ever be able to recapture that special moment and make everything around us disappear, leaving only the two of us in our own little world. Even if we attempted to duplicate that special moment, it would probably fall short of my expectations. Special moments often just happen, and can seldom be planned, much less duplicated.

  The sight of Lucas entering the lobby jolted Heather from her daze. Although aware of her new tendency to drift off and daydream about him, Heather was confident that no one had noticed.

  “Hey, Heather!” Lucas called. “T.G.I.F.! Want to come over to my place tomorrow night and let me show you what a good cook I am?”

  “Sure, love to. What time?”

  “Is six too early?”

  “Not at all. What should I bring?”

  “Your toothbrush! Just joking. Don’t bring anything but your beautiful smile.”

  “All right, see you tomorrow. Oh wait—I need your address, and directions might be helpful,” with concern in the tone of Heathers voice.

  “Sure,” Lucas said, “that would probably help. I’ll write them down. Have you seen Mike yet?”

  “He passed through several minutes ago.”

  “Thanks. See you tomorrow night.”

  Lucas headed straight to the office, walking with purpose. His face was stern. Reaching the office door, he opened it with a force that could have pulled it from its hinges.

  Mike looked up from the papers spread across his desk, somewhat startled by the manner in which the door had been opened. Lucas walked straight up to Mike and tossed an envelope onto his desk. The letter nearly slid off into Mike’s lap. Only Mike’s quick reflexes prevented the envelope from leaving the desk. Mike picked up the envelope and, in an agitated tone, said “What the fuck is this?”

  “You see who it’s from?” responded Lucas.

  “Yeah. It’s from the feds.”

  “Well, open it and read it.”

  Mike pulled the letter out of the opened envelope. He unfolded the paper and began to read. The letter was addressed to Lucas and read, i
n part, “Based on a recent ramp check, we discovered you flew Convair N3713P and that it had not had the hundred-hour inspection. This is a violation of FAR 91.409(b). Please respond to this notice within ten days to avoid administrative action.”

  “Mike,” Lucas said coldly. “Think before you speak; I’m pissed.”

  “When did you get this?”

  “Today. Didn’t you get one just like it?”

  “No. I haven’t seen anything like this. Guess it’s coming; we’ve both been flying the Convair.”

  “Look, Mike, I can’t have this. Global is conducting another background check, and if this creates a problem with Global, someone will pay. Besides, I’m not even the one responsible for checking the maintenance records.”

  “Lucas, relax. As I see it, we both have the same problem.”

  Lucas said, “We don’t have the same problem! Don’t you check those maintenance records every time before we fly?”

  “I do, and I don’t understand. Lucas, why don’t you go ahead and take care of the preflight and I’ll finish up here. When we get back, I’ll dig into these records and see what I can find. Sound like a plan?”

  Still agitated, Lucas just said, “I don’t know that we can do anything else at this time of night. See ya at the plane.”

  Lucas may have been agitated, but Heather could only wait for the night to crawl by while she anticipated her date with Lucas the next night. Finally, Heather saw Autumn parking, which was the first real sign that the evening had come to an end. It meant she could allow her thoughts to focus on Saturday night without feeling guilty.

  “Hey, Autumn,” she said brightly. “How you doing tonight?”

  “I’m fine, but I want to hear about your trip to Atlanta. Join the mile-high club?”

  “No,” Heather answered in a matter-of-fact voice.

  “Steve in the shop told me he found the sling seat lowered, with a pillow and blankets on it. I assumed you two did the deed.”

  “No. I’ve decided that a plane isn’t the place to get laid, at least not by someone who’s supposed to be flying it.”

  “Didn’t you have any fun?” Autumn asked with a puzzled tone.

  “Autumn, I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “That means you have something to share.”

  “Not really. I just meant that if I did have something to say, if something did happen, I wouldn’t talk about it. That stuff is personal.”

  “Come clean, Heather. I want to hear about that personal stuff.”

  “There isn’t any personal stuff.” She is relentless. I know she isn’t going to drop this. If I don’t give her something tonight she’ll never leave me alone. Worse yet, she may corner Lucas.

  “Yes, there is. You have that look. You can’t bullshit a bullshitter. I know when you are holding something back.”

  “OK, but you have to keep this to yourself. Promise?”

  “Promise. Not a word to anyone.”

  “Autumn, it was unbelievable. It was like being felt up in the middle of a movie theater.”

  “I’ve never been felt up in a movie theater, but the thought is exciting,” muttered Autumn.

  “I don’t know how to explain it. I guess it felt like I was getting away with something—being naughty or wicked or something. We were right there in the cockpit and Lucas started playing with me. I almost came in my pants, but I didn’t have any on.

  “Was Mike there?”

  “Of course he was. Where else would he have been?”

  “I don’t know. You said you had your stuff exposed to the world. What was he doing? Watching?”

  “No, it wasn’t like that. My business wasn’t exposed to the world.”

  “You said you didn’t have any pants on, so tell me: What were you doing?”

  “Lucas and I were standing in the aisle right behind the pilots’ seats. Lucas reached around and started rubbing me. My privates got wet and, like I said, I almost climaxed. It was one of those moments that will probably never happen again. I have a date with him tomorrow night. Think I’ll get laid?”

  “Forget tomorrow night. I still want to hear more about what took place in the plane. I understand you standing behind the pilot seats, but what was Lucas doing there? Wasn’t he supposed to be in one of those seats?”

  “He had to take a leak and had just come back.”

  “So Mike wasn’t watching? What was he doing?”

  “He was flying the plane.”

  “Oh, OK. Mike was flying the plane while you two were getting your rocks off right behind him.”

  “That makes it sound really weird. In reality, everything felt very natural, the way it developed and all.”

  “OK. You say you have a date with Lucas. I thought he wasn’t dating?”

  “Getting a date wasn’t easy. I’ve been trying to get his attention for months, much less a date.”

  “Well, I hope you get laid. I understand he’s good in the sack. So where you going?”

  “His place. Now it’s your turn to talk, Autumn,” said Heather with a stern tone in her voice. “Do you know someone who had a relationship with him?”

  “No, it’s just what I’ve heard.”

  “Who from? Give the specifics. You’re holding out on me.”

  “I don’t know; I just heard it from someone. I don’t much pay attention that kind of stuff. Heather, I predict you’ll get laid.”

  “It’s been a long time. Hope I remember how to do it.”

  “Heather, people don’t forget that stuff. How long has it been?”

  “Probably three years. I had just started college and was mostly confused—like most kids, I think. I had never had sex, and I guess I just thought I was expected to do it. We only did it three times, and I didn’t find it particularly fun. He wasn’t really that wonderful.”

  “That was the problem—the wrong guy. But are you telling me that you’ve only fucked some guy three times and you’re in your early twenties? Do you rub one out every once in a while—you know, masturbate?”

  “No. I told you I don’t have much experience with sex.”

  “I know, but masturbating doesn’t have anything to do with having sex. It has everything to do with giving yourself pleasure without having sex. I probably get it on by myself at least once a week. Anyway, I’m surprised you’ve only had sex three times in your life. I try to get laid at least three times a week.”

  “Three times a week! Are you kidding me? You don’t even have a steady boyfriend. Do you even know the guys you’re doing?”

  “Generally. Mostly we’re on-and-off lovers just trying to keep things simple. You know, no strings attached.”

  “Whatever makes you happy. As for me, what can I say? My first experience put me on guard. I decided to be pickier about the next guy I spread my legs for. In all honesty, I’ve got this thing for Lucas, but don’t even know him. I’m not sure why he has the effect on me that he does. What do you think, Autumn? I’m just horny?”

  “No, you’re not just horny. Sounds like there may be some chemistry there. Although horny is a possibility.”

  Saturday night finally arrived.

  Heather didn’t consider herself a particularly good navigator. As a result, she usually left her apartment thirty minutes earlier than any other person would. She also kept instructions and a map neatly placed on the passenger seat, for when a quick review became necessary—a quick review being the norm, not the exception.

  A little before six o’clock on Saturday night, Heather reached the most challenging part of her journey—finding Lucas’s apartment among what looked like a thousand identical apartments with identical doors, identical patios, identical everything. His complex exemplified the term “cookie-cutter housing.” If a person comes home here after having a little too much to drink, who knows where they’d end up? She thinks to herself.

  Lucas told her not to bring anything, and she almost complied. Perhaps it was wishful thinking, but Heather decided to pack a small bag to prepa
re for the remote possibility that she might spend the night. The thought of spending the night made the hair on her arms stand erect. Just packing the overnight bag sparked a sexual arousal that she couldn’t have anticipated. None of this came as a surprise to Heather, since she had been in a state of arousal all afternoon—anything seemed possible. At the moment, Heather had one thing on her mind: having a satisfying evening with the person who made her heart skip a beat just by looking into his deep, mysterious, penetrating, brown eyes.

  Preparations for the evening began when she started to put her already near-perfect body into a state she thought of as “date night ready.” “Date night ready” included plucking her eyebrows and ensuring every hair on her head was in place. During this part of the ritual, she became thankful that her hair was short and easy to manage. After finishing her head, she moved south. Clear polish for her nails—all twenty; shaved legs; and a touch-up of her bikini area, just in case. The final step before slipping into her freshly cleaned miniskirt was to cover her body in her favorite lotion, to ensure the sensuality of her skin and to add a hint of fragrance.

  Before closing her overnight bag and waltzing out the door, Heather quickly checked to be sure she had everything—a fresh pair of panties, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste so she wouldn’t feel intrusive, and a pair of running pants, pull-over sleeveless shirt, socks, and shoes.

  Not knowing which apartment was Lucas’s, and unable to see the addresses, she decided to simply look for his red Corvette. After cruising the parking lots for about fifteen minutes, she spotted his glistening Corvette about a block away, on her side of the street. Directly in front of his car was Lucas, standing on his patio as though on the lookout for someone who could be lost.

  As soon as she parked in the visitor spot next to Lucas’s car, he appeared to open her door. Her overnight bag, cleverly disguised as a large purse, sat next to her. She grabbed her purse with her right hand, allowing Lucas to assist her by taking her left hand as she swung out of the car.

  “I see you found the place. Have much trouble?” Lucas asked as he gave Heather a hug and a kiss on her head.