Dreams Take Flight Page 3
Once inside, Mike headed for the left seat and settled in, while Lucas raised the stairs and secured the cabin door. He took a moment to confirm the door was securely locked, and then proceeded to the cockpit. There, he settled into the copilot’s seat on the right.
“Lucas, you want to take it to Omaha or bring it back?”
“Why don’t I take the first leg and you bring it home?” Lucas said.
“Sounds like a plan,” said Mike.
Mike handled the checklist and radio communications while Lucas served as the active pilot.
Mike: “Clearance, this is Convair three-seven-one-three-papa, I.F.R. Omaha.”
Controller: “Convair three-seven-one-three-papa cleared as filed. Squawk zero-seven-four-seven; maintain six thousand. Departure one-one-nine-point-nine.”
Mike: “Roger. One-three-papa cleared as filed. Squawk zero-seven-four-seven, maintain six and departure one-one-nine-point-nine.”
Controller: “One-three-papa: read back correct contact ground when ready to taxi.”
Mike: “One-three-papa.”
Mike proceeded through the checklist, calling out the various items to be checked. Lucas responded, appropriately confirming flight readiness. Once they reached the end of the checklist, Lucas fired up the engines and Mike called ground control to obtain their taxi clearance, which took them to runway one-two right.
Arriving at the departure end of runway one-two right, the Convair stopped on the run-up pad, where Mike took them through their final checklist prior to departure.
“What ya say, Lucas,” he asked at the end. “Ready to roll?”
“Yep, let’s bore a hole in the sky.”
Mike called the tower, saying, “Tower, this is three-seven-one-three-papa ready to go on runway one-two right.”
Controller: “Convair three-seven-one-three-papa cleared for takeoff, runway one-two right. Turn left three-four-zero, maintain six thousand.”
Mike: “One-three-papa, left to three-four-zero, maintain six thousand.”
Lucas pulled the Convair onto the runway and lined up along the centerline, and then slowly advanced the throttles to takeoff power while Mike followed the throttles forward with his right hand.
The Convair began to accelerate as Mike called out each speed. “There’s V1,” he said. “V2.”
Shortly after hearing that V2 had been reached, Lucas pulled the wheel back. The Convair left the runway.
“We have a positive rate of climb; the gears are coming up,” announced Mike. By that point, the Convair was fully airborne and en route to Omaha. As they reached the departure end of the runway, Lucas rolled the Convair into a left bank and turned to his assigned heading of three-four-zero. During this phase of the flight, both Lucas and Mike constantly scanned the outside environment for other traffic, without ever ignoring the various engine and flight instruments on the panel. Once Lucas reached his desired heading, he rolled the plane level while continuing their climb.
“Lucas, everything is still in the green,” Mike said. “Water is off, boost pump off, flaps up, bypass up, cowl flaps going to mid.”
Area cleared and the initial phase of the climb completed, Lucas took a moment to absorb and appreciate the strange and wonderful world he worked in. During the initial phase of the climb, Lucas always felt as though man and machine became one. As its huge engines strained to lift the heavy cargo and fuel load into the air, climbing slowly to a cruising altitude, the Convair always seemed to speak to him. It seemed to say, “I’ll get the job done, but I’m not in a hurry to put thousands of feet between me and the ground.” The message was subtle, but the sound of the engines and the vibration felt in the control wheel were both clear. The engines groaned against the weight, and the rate of climb remained slow as they passed over Florissant in north St. Louis County. Faint shadows, created by the lights below, moved across the overhead console, adding to the sensation of speed. With each passing mile, the shadows faded away, yielding to the warm, red glow of the cockpit light. All sense of speed disappeared, as did the ground, as the city fell away, leaving only dark, ill-defined farmland below.
Once their route was established, the conversation shifted from checklists, speeds, and headings to casual chitchat. For no special reason, Lucas decided that this would be an opportune time to find out more about his friend and flying partner. Although they’d flown together for several years, Lucas didn’t know much about Mike. He’d learned about his life and interests only in small doses.
“So, Mike,” Lucas said. “How did you get into this crazy business?”
“I never told you the story?”
“I wonder how you escaped it. Well, here is a shortened version: I had a friend named Alex back in college, and during our junior year Alex convinced me that we should both go into the Air Force when we graduated. That way we could go through training together and, we assumed, get assigned to the same base. Neither of us had any interest in flying, but we both thought that if we joined the service, the Air Force would be the best branch.”
“Did it work out like you planned?” asked Lucas.
“Yes and no. We took all of the entrance tests and both did well enough that the recruiter encouraged us to pursue flying. We went through basic training, but when we took our physicals for flight training, Alex discovered he had a kidney problem. He not only wasn’t allowed in flight school, he was discharged. A year later, I found myself in a war zone with everyone and his brother trying to shoot my ass out of the sky.”
“Is that when you started drinking?”
With that question, Mike turned to face Lucas and glared in disapproval. Finally, he shifted his focus back to the instruments and said, “Why not? I still got the job done. My bombs hit their targets.”
“Mike, I wasn’t passing judgment, just asking. You and I have been flying together for a long time and it was apparent some time ago that you had a thing for the bottle. Anyway, you ever hear from Judy?”
“No, and that’s OK by me. We didn’t get along very well, and we both knew we were headed for divorce, but I just can’t forgive her for leaving me while I was on a trip. Good riddance. Judy may have been number three, but there won’t be a fourth.”
“How long has it been?” Lucas asked. “Two years?”
“Bout that.”
After a long silence, Lucas said, “It sounds like Global may delay my start date, but I don’t want to talk about that now. I should know more in a few days.”
“That would be unfortunate. Keep me posted.”
With that, the conversation shifted from one subject to another, allowing a pleasant exchange for the balance of the trip.
Once they were back in St. Louis and the Convair put to bed, Mike and Lucas headed for the flight office to drop off the required paperwork. After turning it in, they immediately exited through the hanger door and headed for their cars. They’d just barely made it to the parking lot when Lucas stopped and announced that he had to run back in. My going back in shouldn’t suggest that I’m going to see Autumn. Even if he did find out, the world won’t stop spinning.
“Mike, I won’t be but a minute, but there’s no need for you to stick around; I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
“Don’t stay up too late,” responded Mike, smiling.
Having parted company with Mike, Lucas returned to the lobby through the hangar door. He could see Autumn sitting at the receptionist desk, back to him, and he revealed his presence with a subdued hello, hoping the warning would avoid startling her.
“Autumn, how you doing this morning?”
Autumn swung around to face Lucas, saying, “Well, it’s three thirty in the morning and I’m by myself filing yesterday’s fuel bills, sleepy, and bored. Otherwise I’m doing fine. What are you doing here?”
“Mike and I just got back from Omaha, and I thought I would stop by and say hello.”
“I’m glad you did” with a smile that ran from one side of her face to the other.
“This is a pleasant surprise.”
“I was thinking about you and our encounter following the storm,” Lucas said, “and just wanted to stop by. You’ve been on my mind lately. Doing OK?”
“Tell me, Lucas: what is on your mind? Are you looking for a repeat performance?”
“No, ah no. Like I said, I’ve just been thinking about you,” with uncertainty in the tone of his voice. Now I wonder if I did come back just for a quickie.
“It’s three thirty in the morning and you were just thinking about me? What were you thinking?”
With laughter in his voice, Lucas said, “Just that I hadn’t seen you for a while and wanted to stop by and say hello.”
“You want a little, don’t you?”
“Well, I really hadn’t thought about it until you mentioned it. I actually just stopped by to see how you were doing. But if you insist, you could probably talk me into it.”
“Just as I thought. What are we going to do about that?”
“I hadn’t thought about it, since I really did just stop by to say hello.”
“Lucas, you’re full of shit. Follow me.” As Autumn rose from her seat, she motioned Lucas to follow her. She headed for the end of the counter, where the pass-through was located.
Autumn wore one of her usual miniskirts, so common among the customer service reps at Gold Coast. The skirt was a lightweight, navy-blue polyester. Her white blouse was cut low in the front, exposing significant cleavage. The color contrast between her blouse and skirt was striking, giving her an elegant look—one that would capture the attention of any guy. Her shoes were sandals more suitable for the beach than the office. She looked radiant and lively, unlike the last time she and Lucas had been together.
Lucas hadn’t yet changed out of his short-sleeved uniform. I can’t believe this gal has any interest in me. She and Heather are the two most beautiful women I’ve ever met. And Autumn is so fresh and playful; no pretense to being innocent. With her looks and personality, I just can’t figure out why some guy hasn’t taken her off the market. A good romp between the sheets isn’t everything, but whatever everything is, she seems to have it. Good thing I’m not on the prowl.
“Where are you going?” asked Lucas.
“You’ll see.”
“Can you just leave the counter like this? What happens if the phone rings, or some inbound pilot gives you a call on the radio?”
“I will apologize with a smile and tell them I was in the restroom fucking you. That always stops people from asking more questions.”
“Autumn,” Lucas said in a stern voice. “I’m serious.”
“And you think I’m not.”
“Will you cut it out?”
“Relax. If someone calls, I will simply say I was in the restroom. People understand.”
“All right, but what are we doing?”
“I’m going to give you what you came here for: a quickie for the road. You’ll sleep better for it.”
“You’ve already given me what I came here for.”
“Sure,” Autumn said, with a playful tone of agreement in her voice. “Just relax and follow me.”
“Hang on, Autumn: you’re taking me into the ladies room?”
“Will you just relax? Jeez, you’re going to die a young man, Mr. Sanders, if you don’t start relaxing.” Autumn held the door open for Lucas, allowing him to enter first. “There won’t be anyone here for hours,” She added.
The restroom was relatively small, with four stalls, a double sink, and—near the sink but opposite the stalls—a six-foot-long bench with chrome legs. The bench was padded with a bright red, leather cushion. The top of it was elegantly tucked and rolled.
“Autumn,” Lucas said, sounding doubtful. “Do you know what you’re doing?”
“I’ll let you be the judge. Now slip your shoes off and drop your pants—or am I going to have to undress you?”
Lucas sat down, took his shoes off, and slid them underneath the bench. Autumn sat down next to him and began to disrobe. Lucas got back to his feet to unzip his pants and slide them down to his ankles, along with his boxers. He stepped out of his pants with his right foot and tossed them next to the sink with his left. Autumn hurriedly slipped out of her clothes while Lucas did this.
He turned to see how she was progressing and, as he did so, Autumn reached out with her left hand and guided Lucas in front of her. With her right hand, she carefully slid his erect dick into her mouth.
“Autumn, are you sure this is safe, what would happen if someone came in?” Lucas asked.
She tipped her head back and removed his dick only enough to say, “Can’t you see I’m busy? Besides, it isn’t polite to talk with your mouth full. Safe? Yes, it’s safe; no one has ever gotten pregnant getting her rocks off this way. Now relax.”
“Autumn, you’re a trip. You know that’s not what I meant! And to think I just stopped by to say hello.”
“There shouldn’t be anyone here for hours. Now relax,” murmured Autumn.
Autumn’s legs were spread wide apart while seated on the bench, allowing Lucas to stand directly in front of her. She held his dick with her left hand, allowing her to move up and down, almost consuming it entirely while she fondled his balls with her right hand.
“Autumn, you need to stop or I’m going to come.”
Removing his dick from her mouth, Autumn looked up and said, “That’s the plan.” She immediately returned to the task of bringing Lucas to climax.
Lucas’s hands rested on her head, following her every movement. His neck craned back and his breathing became heavier and heavier.
“Jeez, Autumn; my dick feels like it’s going to explode.”
Following that announcement, Autumn turned her focus to the end of his dick, sucking it hard and licking it like a popsicle.
“Autumn, I’m coming.”
Those words were music to Autumn’s ears. Shifting her attention from the end of his dick, she returned to taking the full length of it deep into her throat, where she could feel Lucas pulsating as he journeyed into ecstasy.
“Autumn, you have to quit—please. I feel like my insides are being shot through the end of my dick. I have to sit down.”
“If you really insist.”
“I do. Scoot over.” As Lucas lowered himself onto the bench, he said, “Autumn, come over here.” Then he shifted forward, making room for her to lay down between himself and the wall.
Autumn laid on her back with her legs bent at the knees and her feet flat on the floor. Lucas wasted no time maneuvering himself between her legs, giving him a clear view of that treasure between her legs.
“Autumn, this is my thank you,” as he moved his focus from her pubic area to her face.
With that, Lucas slid his hands along the inside of Autumn’s legs. He could tell that she was wet, and began to fondle her soft, warm lips with two fingers. Already excited, Autumn began breathing hard and arching her back. Lucas normally began lovemaking with extended foreplay, but excitement caused him to forsake it all and, instead, spread her legs even farther apart, allowing him to lick her passionately.
With exhaustion in her voice, Autumn said, “Lucas, I thought the last time we got together was like dying and going to heaven, but this is delicious. This has to be sinful. I’m going to come.”
Hearing that Autumn was nearing climax, Lucas pulled himself up and inserted his dick into Autumn, then began thrusting hard. One second his dick was deep in Autumn, the next it slid nearly all the way out. As Autumn’s grip on Lucas’s back tightened, his thrusting motion quickened until she grabbed his buttocks and pulled hard, burying his dick inside her and rendering him motionless. As Autumn’s climax peaked, Lucas could no longer control himself. He came once again.
Both lay there motionless for a few minutes. Autumn’s right arm hung nearly parallel to the floor, with the palm of her hand toward the ceiling. Her right leg, bent at the knee, allowed her right foot to sit flat on the floor. This provided some support as she spread
her legs to accommodate Lucas. His weight rested on Autumn’s stomach and chest. His left arm hung straight down, toward the floor. His knees rested on the bench, but his calves extended beyond the lip of the cushion.
Together, Lucas and Autumn remained emotionally and physically exhausted, and yet satisfied beyond belief. They were damp with perspiration and just lay there, still held together by Lucas’s erect dick, while they regained their strength and composure.
“Lucas, I don’t want this moment to end. Can we do it again?”
“That was great. I feel like I could fuck all night, but have you forgotten where we are?”
“Come on, let’s do it again.”
“Autumn, I would love to, but let’s not tempt fate any longer. So far we’re safe; let’s keep it that way. Why don’t you just stay here, clean up, and I’ll go next door and do the same? Meet you at the front desk.”
“All right, if you must. Let me check and make sure the coast is clear.”
Autumn poked her head out the door and looked around. “OK—no one’s around. It’s safe to go out! See you at the front desk.”
After quickly freshening up, Lucas and Autumn met at the front desk and then parted company for the evening.
Rocky Start
Several days passed. Lucas arrived at the airport around nine in the evening, his usual arrival time for a ten-thirty departure. Heather, the customer service rep on duty, greeted Lucas with an enthusiastic hello.
Lucas couldn’t help but wonder if Autumn had ever talked to Heather about their rendezvous.
“Hi! How are you tonight?” Lucas said to her. She’s a beauty, he thought, but I can’t be distracted by a pretty woman. Besides, she and Autumn working in the same office is a recipe for disaster. And anyway, I don’t need or want a relationship with anyone, and if I keep messing around, that could happen.